Monday, November 9, 2009

The biggest disappointment ever!

0530 the bag pipes started and continued until we started the race. We had arrived late Saturday night to ensure we got a nights sleep so we would be as fresh as possible for the 167km ride.

0710 race brief for a 0730 start. We placed ourselves three quarters of the way up the field to ensure we got away clean (which we did) as we have about 4km on hard packed gravel then farmland started. Half way through the farmland (this was paddocks with a mowed strip cut into the grass) i was around 100th then on a small climb surrounded by trees 80% of the people in front missed a turn to the right, this resulted in them heading up a hill and fence line rather than right along the face of the hill, I saw this mistake and was one the first on the correct track, then about 300m along the correct track there was a tight bit of single where a massive bottle neck was about to be created for all that took the detour.

0915 arrived at transition 34km in and on target, quickly changed bottles and took in some food before feeding out,
This was to be a long hilly stage of 54km and also the temperature was starting to raise as we had clear skies and little wind. About 10km into this stage we jumped into some neat single track and this is where the elite 100kmers went through flying and they started 30mins behind us. Shortly after this the cramps started in the legs as i was pacing my water (3 bottles for 2-3hr of riding). At one point when I was having a drink in the next single track approx 20km in this stage on a corner and the leg ham string locked up so i ate the dirt a good tumble and drew blood from the left knee. By this stage my bike computer stopped working so i was riding blind so i did not know where i was until i caught another rider or as passed someone that i could ask. The half way tent was in sight and i discovered there was a water drop, but i did not need any of this at this stage as i had passed my water well

12.15 into transition (4hr 40min in 91kms down) Food and liquid in the off out again, generally i was feeling good and ready to keep going. For the next 2 hrs did not see a sole (so had plenty of time to think?) until i passed a big boy who was battling with the 100km distance. At this stage the single track was very packed down the smooth perfect for riding. I was just cruising as i thought i had plenty of time to make the 1530 cut off, but without a speedo i did not know how i was travelling and the volunteers did not know and the lack of distance markers left me in the dark, so it was down to memory and at this stage fatigue was starting to hit in,
Stopping quickly at the half way tent to top up water as i had finished 2+ bottles in 26km compared to 1 on the first lap due to the heat. At this stage I was still on target given this was truly half way? So pushed on and started to feed the body caffeine gels this picked me up even through they would be the worst tasting thing i had eaten all day but they worked. I just keep saying i had to get to outer limits (last identified section) up the hill along the flats and i was in.

Got to the top and started to pick up gears and counting the clock and pushing into the head wind i was teh only person on the road, i hit the 5km marker, then a turn and a guy said 11mins until cut off and you have 4.5km to go, so I grabbed the biggest gear and hammered it to transition (passing around 8 people in the process and none wanted to help)
1531.15 I missed the last cut off by 1m15s (142km 8hrs in), absolutely gutted helmet hit the ground hard and tears almost flowed, a friend (official) came over a gave me a hug and said i can not do anything, even through i know you would gone under 9 1/2 hr completion time.
Only 14 riders got through the 167km course. I am sure if my speedo had not stopped things may have been different as i would have known where i was, as i was just cruising when I should have been pushing, also the volunteers did not know either until it was to late,

I had it in my legs to go under time easy but was saving them for the last 26km home which i never got to. Since then i have worked out all the locations i could have saved a minute!

Redemption Next year!!!!!!

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