Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Anaconda Forster!

It took 17weeks of training and a supportive family to get last weekend, plus Dr Phil and Family as support crew which was greatly appreciated especially in the rain of Saturday.

We arrived to Forster Friday arvo 30 degrees no swell, stunning beach weather, settled in, starting checking gear, but one thing was wrong my gut! for the previous few days leading up to now i was off colour, cramps, the runs, head arches etc... so once race brief was Done at 7pm it was dinner then bed. but given the small apartment we have bubs in the same room with us and he was off colour also, therefore after restless night with around 3hrs sleep, i was up trying to eat in prep for the race, (which could not really do) as it was now 6am. i had had 3 toilet stops by now!

4am a storm front came through with rain and wind.

Completed gear drops cold and wet rain, the swell was coming up with the tide, so things were going to be interesting.
8am start with a 3km run in a wetsuit to the swim start, this saw me overheat and given my condition did not set me up for a rough swim (1.9k - 500m run - 500m). The run took us around the shore line cliff and down a massive sand dune into the rolling surf, then all we had to do was swim back. Given the cliffs there was alot of re-bounding surf, so about 1km in i was getting sea sick as you were pitching sideways the whole time, got to the 500m run (very slow) mid swim. This settled me a little to jump back in to last drag home.
Out of the water very light headed and green (see pics on web) and was about to through the towel in, i battled to stand no balance, while getting Pfd / skirt on, perfect for paddling, but dr phil pushed me out to sea in my boat. Tried to settle in (13ks) with eyes set on the horizon in an attempt to settle the stomach but again alot of side swell, chop, rain and fog. But i was going better than other so picking through the pack. Half way i got spot in my vision, which did not help reading waves for runners. At the last can as we turned into the beach a jet was running around trying to guide people in as i could see this was going to hurt (1.5m swell pitching straight on to the beach). I picked a runner and headed for shore, trying to pick the rip so i move up the beach, the guy in the jetski saying go now you have a lul. So in i went, first wave popped my skirt so i was out of the boat near the beach, i was up the beach as Dr Phil grabbed the boat from the surf, i was happy to survive, later to discover the boat got beaten up with a couple of large fractures.
Happy to be on dry land and onto the bike (19k) to try to claw a few back, we road over roots, mud, rocks grass, mud and it went well as i picked up 12 places, but the gut was still not good. In a couple of the descents i could not see a thing, mud and rain filled eyes! On the bike i tried to force food in but it would not go! 3hrs in i had not eaten any solid food or gels, not good just liquid.

Off the bike for the final run home (11k), i keep telling myself get to the paddle board, then see what is left, the run was around a shore line of a lake with was alot of shallow mud and drain crossings waist deep, so got a bit of a wash. But made the legs burn after pushing on the bike. Still getting stomach cramps!
The paddle board was tough even through it was only 100m or so, the arms had shut down after the swim and paddle, so the triceps hurt, but this distracted me from my gut.
From here i was on 5-6k away from finishing a tough day, so pushed on with a pace that which was well below where i should have been. when a guy yelled 300m to go and got excited, turned the corner and it was straight up and over a large hill, 150m each side. but got there 32nd overall 10th in Category at the end of day 1.

A better health day 6hrs sleep, got to enjoy breakfast, sunshine, light winds. The drive to Seal Rocks via a bike drop was relaxed as we were early and organised, surprising what sleep and food will do for the mind.

After a stroll along a magical beach to the start line, we were off with a swim, straight through out into breaking waves, which i enjoyed and others did not. Got into a rhythm and got away clean, the water was clear and i caught myself taking in the scenery rather than swimming. we hit the beach around a can then back out around a head land, 2 can and back to the beach (8th quickest individual swim time 33:23). This transition was a mess crews and supporters all in the way gear spread everywhere. but Dr phil had me organised, wetty off and shoes on but no fuel belt and i started to swear! as i thought some one had pinched it! so i was not looking for to a 16k run without liquid. luckily someone had just moved and Dr Phil found in time before i ran away. I did not realise i had that good of swim until a few of the leaders started to run me down about 3k into the run, the legs were heavy as i did not recovery them after Saturdays effort. But settled in the best i could and start to run a few down. Just over half away we had 2 very large and vertical sand dunes to climb to take more sting out of the legs. Again just before the finish another climb but alot of the guiding tapes had been removed so it was hard to navigate, and time was wasted finding the right tracks (this was very common over the course, staff replaced some signs 3 times).
Off the run on to the bike (30k), and the body was firing. As i jumped into the saddle i just want everything to work as it had been filled with mud yesterday. Quickly i started to pick through the teams, this was a great ride, plenty of challenges, especially big deep puddle, with one he stopped us riding and we had to walk through as it was knee deep and rocky. 20k in the legs started to slow and then a group of us got lost and the signage stopped again? or was removed. a few guys in front of me went 2-3k up the wrong track, and we were only a 100m up when they came back. But this cost me 3-4mins. Disappointing when every minute counted to get me back into the mix.

Into the taped up boat for a 13k paddle home, the water was mirror flat, blue sky and sunshine, therefore tough on the body after running and riding now sitting the legs still for just over and hour, 10mins in the cramps start, and start to drink plenty to try to off set them, it did help. Against the tide and negotiating the oyster farm and dodging sand bars made for an interesting paddle. I rode others wakes and rested for a few k's, then when they slowed i went past, very happy with the paddle.

Out to and excited Dr Phil yelling i had a great paddle, shoes on for the last 15mins of fun, 3k run home, the toughest part was 50m up main beach in soft sand, but was greeted with a smiling OJ which took the pain away for the final 30m. The end to a enjoyable day.

23 overall, 7th in Category for day 2, 5:27:55

Total Time 10:27:34 14th individual 7th in Category

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