Monday, March 9, 2009

Win or Bust?

Bust! did the club tri Saturday night (a great little race, and surprised with the number of entrants). I think I was the fattest person there and the only one without a tri suit or even tri Knicks, and I had laces in my shoes. i was about to do a race in old school style!

The stroll to the start of the swim was daunting as there were a lot of fitter looking people surrounding me. Jumped in for a few strokes and I was ready to go. Got away well and settled in but just before the start I cleared my goggles, and by now 2 mins in I could not see more than a 3m in front of me due to the fog. So I slid over towards the bank until I found a row of buoys, the plan was for this to guide me down the course with my limited vision, and it work and started passing people. Coming to the end of the swim I found it hard to see the large buoys we needed to circumnavigate before coming into the ramp, so had to divert back around the first buoy loosing time which was disappointing.

On to the bike, slid down on to the bars and started to work, the legs felt strong (surprisingly) so I pushed on, picking up traffic. Then my cleat pulled off the of my right shoe, so I seemed to lose half a leg as my shoe slipped around everywhere. So pushed on for the last two laps (10km).

Off the bike, shoes on once I stopped to do my laces up) and away on the run, legs felt alright and set into a rhythm, then before I turned at the mark (1.2km) my stomach turn upside down. I think all the liquid from on the bike dropped into my stomach in one hit and the knots started as it had not been hunched over on aero bars for a long time, let alone at this intensity, I did not know if I was going to spew or fart, so the pace on the run came right off as a prodded a poked around in my stomach as I tried to get it to move without success. so a very disappointing run.

A good lesson learned, with so much to improve for next time.

Finished 1hr 14min, (14min swim, 34 min ride, 26min run)

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